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Phil’s Travels – Leeds, England (04.24)


Phil’s Travels – Leeds, England (04.24)

Hot on the heels of Brazzaville, Thursday was the day of my immovable commitment – a detailed inspection of the Prototype Rooms at our new Yorkshire baby and a ‘get-to-know-you’ session with the newly appointed GM and his Exec Team. A fine fellowship they were too. I think our client’s project will be in good hands.

I caught the 08.03 LNER from Kings Cross, armed with coffee and a croissant and warm clothing (after 30C in Congo, I figured north England would be somewhat cooler). As it turned out Leeds was positively balmy. We all met on schedule at Pret and walked round to the site in time for our scheduled tour of the property.

We inspected both available Prototype Rooms and reviewed the latest program to PC (Practical Completion, not me!). After some weather induced delays (five named storms this past winter), things appeared to be on track and the opening date of end August 2024 looked increasingly achievable.Having returned our PPE, we walked to the temporary operations office in a nearby serviced office complex and reviewed some of the proposed F&B OS&E (translation: Food & Beverage Operating Supplies & Equipment). Apart from the massive mobile table lights, it all looked very appealing. Hopefully, Brand will like and approve too. We had a quick bite of some local sandwiches and Kiwi fruit and I hung back to chat with the Exec Team. We will be working closely together going forward, so was keen to get to know them.

I walked back to Leeds Station via a wander through City Square, newly remodelled and refurbished and looking very handsome. Before catching The Flying Scotsman back to London, I took a photo of our baby peaking over the top of the engine. Yes, there is a real and actual Flying Scotsman!

The Scotsman flew and we arrived in London on time and I made it home for tea and to witness the worst game of football ever televised. Liverpool 0 – 3 Atalanta. Based on our rollercoaster end to the season, who can blame JK for wanting some time off. As fan though, you never take time off and always hope for better things to come. The Red Men in Italia will be fun.

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